Line, Scatter, and Line/Scatter Plots

The Home | New Graph | Line/Scatter | Line Plot, Home | New Graph | Line/Scatter | Scatter Plot, and Home | New Graph | Line/Scatter | Line/Scatter Plot commands create a line, scatter, or line and scatter plot from a data file. The data is displayed as a line, as symbols, or as a combination of a line and symbols. The data are plotted in the order in which they appear in the data file. You can have multiple line/scatter plots in a graph. In addition, the plots can contain fit curves, error bars, labels, and color fill. You can also clip the curves.

Click the Line Plot, Scatter Plot, or Line/Scatter Plot buttons to create the desired plot type.


2D Line/Scatter Plot
Line/Scatter plots show data as lines, lines and
symbols, or only symbols. This graph has three
plots: a pink line only plot, a green symbol only
plot, and a blue line and symbol plot.

Creating a New Line, Scatter, or Line/Scatter Plot

To create a new line, scatter, or line/scatter graph:

  1. Click the Home | New Graph | Line/Scatter | Line Plot, Home | New Graph | Line/Scatter | Scatter Plot, or Home | New Graph | Line/Scatter | Line/Scatter Plot command.
  2. Select a data file in the Open Worksheet dialog. You can select a new data file or you can select an open data file in the Open worksheets section.
  3. Click the Open button. A line, scatter, or line/scatter plot is created using the default properties.

Editing an Existing Line, Scatter, or Line/Scatter Plot

To change the features of a line, scatter, or line/scatter plot, click once on the plot in either the plot window or the Object Manager to select it. The properties of the selected line/scatter plot are displayed in the Property Manager.

Click the following tabs in the Property Manager to change different properties:


Data Limits

Error Bars





Graph Properties

The graph properties contain the following pages in the Property Manager.




3D Settings

See Also

3D Ribbon/Wall Plot

XYZ Line/Scatter Plot

Fit Curves

Creating Multiple Graphs on a Page

Add Plots

Standard Axes

Add Additional Axes

Duplicate Axes


Multi-Graph Legends

Graph Title

List Worksheets

Calculate Area

Fill Between Plots

Graph Wizard