AutoGraphMagnifier Object
The AutoGraphMagnifier object controls graph magnifier settings.
The AutoGraphMagnifier is derived from the AutoShape object. Most properties and methods of the AutoShape object apply (see remarks).
The Rotation property and Addlegend method are not valid for this object.
The AreaSelected property controls whether position properties (left, top) apply to the Area Selection Box or the Zoomed Area Box.
All other AutoShape properties apply to the area selection and zoomed boxes simultaneously.
To modify the properties of axes in the Zoomed Area Box the Selected property of the AutoGraphMagnifier must be true. Changes made to the underlying graph axes are then displayed.
This example shows how to add a Graph Magnifier to a graph.
Sub Main
'Declares GrapherApp as an object
Dim GrapherApp As Object
'Creates an instance of the Grapher Application
'object and assigns it to the variable named "GrapherApp"
Set GrapherApp = CreateObject("Grapher.Application")
'Makes Grapher visible
GrapherApp.Visible = True
'Declares Plot as an object
Dim Plot As Object
'Creates a plot document in Grapher and
'assigns it to the variable named "Plot"
Set Plot = GrapherApp.Documents.Add(grfPlotDoc)
'Declares Shapes as an object
Dim Shapes As Object
'Assigns the AutoShapes collection to
'the variable named "Shapes"
Set Shapes = Plot.Shapes
'Declares LineGraph as an object
Dim LineGraph As Object
'Creates a graph and assigns it to the
'variable named "LineGraph"
Set LineGraph = Shapes.AddLinePlotGraph(GrapherApp.Path+"\samples\Tutorial.dat")
'Declares GraphMagnifier as an object
Dim GraphMagnifier As Object
'Create a magnifier object
Set GraphMagnifier = LineGraph.AddMagnifier(4.681,4.984,6.291,3.29)
End Sub