StartSymSize Property

The StartSymSize property returns or sets the marker size in page units for the first class in a class plot, polar class plot, ternary class plot, or 3D XYZ class plot when the UseIncrementalSymSize is set to True. Returns a Double.



object.StartSymSize = StartSymSize


Parameter Type Description
StartSymSize Double required, size in page units


Example 1

This example demonstrates how to return the starting symbol size.

Debug.Print ClassScatterPlot.StartSymSize

Example 2

This example demonstrates how to set the starting symbol size to 0.5 inches.

ClassScatterPlot.UseIncrementalSymSize = True

ClassScatterPlot.StartSymSize= 0.5


Used by: AutoClassPlot object, AutoPolarClassPlot object, AutoTernaryClassPlot object, AutoXYZClassPlot object