AutoGradient Object
The AutoGradient object represents a color gradient. Gradient objects are created by calling the Gradient or BubbleGradient property from objects that the support gradient color fill.
The following script demonstrates how the gradient object is used in reference to the Rectangle object.
Sub Main
'Declares GrapherApp as an object
Dim GrapherApp As Object
'Creates an instance of the Grapher Application object
'and assigns it to the variable named "GrapherApp"
Set GrapherApp = CreateObject("Grapher.Application")
'Make Grapher visible
GrapherApp.Visible = True
'Declare Docs as Object
Dim Docs As Object
'Assigns the Documents collection to
'the variable named "Docs"
Set Docs = GrapherApp.Documents
'Declare Plot As Object
Dim Plot As Object
'Creates a new plot window and assigns
'it to the variable named "Plot"
Set Plot = Docs.Add(grfPlotDoc)
'Create Rectangle
Set Rectangle = Plot.Shapes.AddRectangle( 2, 5, 7, 2)
'Set the Gradinet fill type to Linear
Rectangle.Fill.GradientType = grfGradientLinear
'Set the Gradient to "Rainbow"
Set Gradient = Rectangle.Fill.Gradient
'Set the gradient to the predefined "Rainbow" CLR file
Gradient.Name = "Rainbow"
End Sub