FitPlot Property

The FitPlot property gets or sets the linked plot fit name.



object.FitPlot =FitPlot


Setting the FitType to either grfCustomFit or a negative index results in an error. Use

Example 1

This example shows how to return the name of the fit curve linked to a text block.

'Return the fit curve name

Debug.Browse Text1.FitPlot

Example 2

This example shows how to set the name of the fit curve linked to a text block.

'Add a linear fit

Set Fit1_Linear = LineScatterPlot1.AddFit(grfLinearFit)


'Add Text

Set Text1 = Plot1.Shapes.AddText( 2,5,"This is text")


'Link the text and fit curve

Text1.FitPlot = Fit1_Linear


Used by: AutoMText object