AddextendedDurovGraph Method

The AddextendedDurovGraph method creates a new extended Durov plot. Returns an AutoGraph object.


object.AddextendedDurovGraph( worksheet, xCationCol, yCationCol, zCationCol, xAnionCol, yAnionCol, zAnionCol, pH, tDS, id )


Parameter Type Description
worksheet String required, full path and file name of the data
xCationCol Variant optional, cation X column
yCationCol Variant optional, cation Y column
zCationCol Variant optional, cation Z column
xAnionCol Variant optional, anion X column
yAnionCol Variant optional, anion Y column
zAnionCol Variant optional, anion Z column
pH Variant optional, pH data column
tDS Variant optional, TDS data column
id Variant optional, graph name



The AddextendedDurovGraph method creates an extended Durov plot, which consists of two ternary plots, a square plot, a pH plot, and a TDS plot. The example shows how to set the references to the AutoTernaryPlot objects.


This example shows how to create a Durov plot and set the references to the component plots.

'Create Durov reference

Dim Durov as Object


'Create the Durov plot and set the reference

Set Durov = Shapes.AddDurovGraph(GrapherApp.Path + "\samples\DurovdData.xlsx",2,3,4,5,6,7,9,8)


'Set the Cation plot reference

Dim Cation as Object

Set Cation = Durov.Plots.Item(1)


'Set the Anion plot reference

Dim Anion as Object

Set Anion = Durov.Plots.Item(2)


'Set the Square plot reference

Dim Square as Object

Set Square = Durov.Plots.Item(3)


'Set the pH plot reference

Dim pH as Object

Set pH = extendedDurovClass.Plots.Item(4)


'Set the TDS plot reference

Dim TDS as Object

Set TDS = extendedDurovClass.Plots.Item(5)


Used by: AutoShapes collection