AddClass Method

The AddClass method adds a new class to the class plot, polar class plot, ternary class plot, or 3D XYZ class plot. Returns a short (index to new class).


object.AddClass( min, max, name )

Parameter Type Description
min Double required, minimum value of new class
max Double required, maximum value of new class
name Variant optional, text name for the class when the class method is set to Name


Example 1

This example shows how to add a new numeric class to an existing class plot.


Example 2

This example shows how to add two new text classes to an existing class plot. The min and max are required, but are ignored when the name is set and the Method is set to grfNamedClasses.

ClassScatterPlot.AddClass(0,0, "low")

ClassScatterPlot.AddClass(0,0, "medium")


Used by: AutoClassPlot object, AutoPolarClassPlot object, AutoTernaryClassPlot object, AutoXYZClassPlot object